Exercise 2: Loops

2. Create a guess game with the names of the colors. At each round pick a random color from a list and let a user guess it. When he does it, ask if he wants to play again. Keep playing until the user types "no."

I think this is going to be a very nice challenge. Good luck, and when you finish, come back here to see the solution. 

Solution to exercise.


import random

colors = ["white", "black", "yellow", "blue", "pink", "purple", "grey", "indigo"]

while True:
    color = colors[random.randint(0, len(colors) - 1)]
    guess = input("I'm thinking about a color, can you guess it: ")

    while True:
        if color == guess.lower():
            print("You guessed it! I was thinking about", color)
            guess = input("Nope. Try again: ")

    play_again = input("Let's play again? Type 'no' to quit: ")

    if play_again.lower() == 'no':
        print("It was fun, thanks for playing!")


==== RESTART: C:\Users\ameny\OneDrive\Desktop\Python.course\Ex.loops2.py ====
I'm thinking about a color, can you guess it: red
Nope. Try again: white
Nope. Try again: blue
Nope. Try again: green
Nope. Try again: yellow
Nope. Try again: pink
Nope. Try again: grey
Nope. Try again: indigo
Nope. Try again: black
You guessed it! I was thinking about black
Let's play again? Type 'no' to quit: 

You can hit enter to see if it repeats, then you try again.

Let's try typing no to see what happens:

==== RESTART: C:\Users\ameny\OneDrive\Desktop\Python.course\Ex.loops2.py ====
I'm thinking about a color, can you guess it: red
Nope. Try again: white
Nope. Try again: blue
Nope. Try again: green
Nope. Try again: yellow
Nope. Try again: pink
Nope. Try again: grey
Nope. Try again: indigo
Nope. Try again: black
You guessed it! I was thinking about black
Let's play again? Type 'no' to quit: no
It was fun, thanks for playing!

Alright let me know in the comment section if you have further questions. See you in our next tutorial.


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