Follow these steps to install python on your desktop:
- Visit python.org
- Find the download section and click on the latest version available to download as seen in the image. The current version here is Python 3.12 and it may differ at the time of your Download!
- Click on the latest Version of Python and scroll down to the buttom of your page. Click MacOS to download.
- Open the installer and click next until the end. You can customize and leave the default options selected and click install.
- When the installation is finished it opens the applications folder automatically. If you're not seeing this you can go to Finder, go to the Applications folder and you will see Python available.
- We will run Python from the IDE which is the development and learning environment.
- You can also hit Command + spaced bar and search for the terminal
- In the command line type python
- Since Mac computers come with a default Python installed you can type quit( )
- We want to run the current version of Python we installed so type python3 and you will see it running.
- Note; The default Python on Mac may not be able to run some programs we will be doing with python3. It is therefore important to make sure you are working with Python 3.
- Anytime you see the 3 greater than symbols ">>>" it means you are in the Python interpreter so you can type a Python code and it will work. ex. try 2+3 and you're going to get an output i.e 5
- But we are not going to be working in the Python terminal so you can type quit( ) and close the terminal.
- In the applications folder click IDE and drag it to the dock to create a shortcut. We are done installing Python on Mac, you can check out the next tutorial on how to install Python on Windows Follow me to learn more. You've got this💪
Hi John, Please scroll down to the buttom of the page you will see Beginner Python tutorial 1. You can also scroll up and check the dates for my first tutorial, They are in sequencial order, Install python and follow the subsequent tutorials if you misunderstand anything kindly let me know. Thanks!